My name is John Cunningham...but I prefer J.C. or John C. I am a bass player...and yes, I chose to be a bass player. I love the role of the bass, being the tie that binds the guitars to the drums, being the most important instrument in the band (and yes I can argue that point) without being the focus. As a bass player, I love being involved in all aspects of a song, keeping true to the song while making sure that my note choices are more about the best interest of the song rather than the best interests of my ego.
I am also one of the Artist Coordinators at ArtiSans Label. As an Artist Coordinator, I have an integral role in every aspect of an album that I help release. I am the hub for all of the services that an artist needs when getting their album released. I make sure that I focus on what is important to the artist and what will most benefit the album release. It's a lot like playing bass...but without the callouses!
I have been involved in music for almost 20 years in one capacity or another, and I have made almost all the mistakes that a wide-eyed musician with hopes of being a rock star makes. I've given money to shady people that made (and broke) extravagant too-good-to-be-true promises. I've played an overwhelming amount of shows to empty venues. I once booked a great gig at the most populated hang spot on a college campus, only to arrive and find that there was a campus dance that night (we ended up playing that show to four very upset girlfriends and one overly excited janitor). I recorded a great album and left myself no money to get it replicated. I have boxes of unsold t-shirts buried in my garage. The list goes on and on and on...
But I've learned from my mistakes. I now have a ferocious appetite for discovering what works for independent artists and passing that information on to them. In my new role as a blogger I will bring my readers the information they need to not make the same mistakes I (and so many others) made.
The tides have shifted. Now, more than any other time in the history of the music industry, independent artists have access to the knowledge and tools to take control of their careers and become profitable as independents.
I just want to help.
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