Friday, August 7, 2009

How an Independent Band Gets 200 Fans a Week

It is great to hear how Trent Reznor has gone independent and how he used social networking to increase and or maintain his fanbase but what does this mean for you? Trent already had a great fanbase, he was known all over the world and he had sold millions of songs. You, have not.

So what should you do? How do you make use of the tools that are available to independent musicians to grow your fanbase and further your career? While there is no single answer to this question, there are answers, there is hope and there are success stories from independent musicians that are beginning to emerge.

Here is the story of the band I Fight Dragons and how they are earning 200 new fans a week. Read it. Study it. Absorb it and implement a solution for you and your band.

Click HERE to read it.

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