Wednesday, June 17, 2009

How resilient are you?

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity, to maintain happiness even during hard times. In my opinion, these aren't hard times. These are devastating times. Everyone is hurting right now and it's obvious to me when I look at most people's faces and they answer the question "How are you?" If I happen to say anything more positive than "I'm okay", then I'm saying it to convince myself that I'm doing better than I actually am. It's like forcing yourself to smile in order to trick your brain into thinking that you're happier than you are... shockingly, it works. I've tried it.

How does this pertain to the five people that might be reading this blog on this beautiful hump day in June? Well, is your glass half empty or half full? Generic question, I know, but an important one none-the-less in these ridiculously depressing days.

Life gets hard when you’re in a band. There are arguments, mean words and threats. What do you do when these fights and uncalled for words creep into the rehearsals and post-show break downs? As my phenomenal friend and prodigy producer Barrett Slagle says, “Don’t break up and you’ll do fine. Work through your shit… just don’t break up. Be resilient.” I adore this man and his opinion on bands and their chemistry because he is a survivor of the traditional label model and educated on the subject of band break-ups. “No matter how hard it gets, you have to believe in what you do, you have to be diligent and steadfast. You’ve started your band because you love music and you believe in what could be. Don’t ever give that up. You start out because you believe in something whether its fame, music or family… that’s worth fighting for.”

Be resilient.


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