Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Why You Should Unfortunately Take Notice of The Jonas Brothers

In researching my topic for today's blog, I came across a video on YouTube that must be discussed as soon as humanly possible. Viral marketing is everywhere these days and we're in no way immune to it. But unlike other deadly viruses with proven vaccinations, there isn't one for the Jonas Brothers.

Please look at this video of Joe Jonas dancing to "Single Ladies" by Beyoncé and then continue with my blog if I still have your attention.

Before this video I had absolutely no opinion of the Jonas Brothers, but now I am forced to have one. As a teeny-bopper Tiger Beat band that has been birthed by Disney, I think that it's pretty easy to fly under the single, unmarried and childless adult's radar without judgement. But, to my horror, they've managed to grab my attention.

They made a spoof of a music video. Well, actually, they made a spoof of a spoof of a music video. If you don't know what I'm talking about then please see Beyoncé's original video, and then watch the SNL video with Justin Timberlake (which they should never have tried to one-up in the first place).

As of today, the view counter on their official YouTube page for this video is in the upper three million arena. And it's going up with every person who reads this and takes the leap of YouTube faith, which is the infuriating and genius part of the whole thing. They made a video that attracts the beratement of people such as myself as well as the praise of Teen Cosmopolitan. They have reached far beyond their fan base, let alone their demographic, and are causing some of us to pause and notice the strategy behind this. Their new album is out this month and they decided to involve the fans by letting them vote on what ridiculous thing Joe Jonas should do for our enjoymnt. Luckily, the fans chose a music video with heels and a unitard.

The fact that the Jonas Brothers made an absolutely terrible video isn't my point here. It's that they have an album coming out, made an incredibly cheap video that is tagged and labeled correctly and let the fans feel like they're a part of the process... like they're closer to the boys, which all drives up the music sales.

Therefore, I encourage you to be inventive, creative and brave. People like me may hunt you down to write a blog about your stupid video, but you managed to get people like me to write a whole blog about you and your stupid video.

It all comes down to driving up the music sales my friends.



Bill Bennett said...

Well said Ms. Creed

Mary J. Riley said...

It's all about viral marketing, which is why I've signed up for the attainresponse will grow like wildfire...oh yes, the jonas brothers...I refuge to become another click on their counter but I will look at Beyonce..

John C said...

I hate you for making me watch that video...