Wednesday, July 15, 2009

How Do You Keep The Needy Fans Loyal?

Last week I talked about how thirsty fans are for information about what band members are up to at all hours of the day. Today, I'm going to give you a tip on how to keep those fans coming back for more and bringing friends with them. The trick... are you ready for it? Treat them with respect.

For some of you, that is common sense, but not every band is sensitive to the needs of others, especially the people who are closest to them. The first thing, which I've just about exhausted in this little string of blogs, is to stay in contact with your fans. They will walk away from you if you ignore them. It's so important to respond to these fans who are going out of their way to be a part of your music and your success. The easiest way to keep them posted and stay in touch is to use the social networks that should not be avoided.

Get creative. Mike Giangreco, a long-time promoter, is very versed on how artists attract and deal with their fans. He suggests, "You need to make your show an event and create a memory." The best idea that he ever came across "was an act that offered to buy drinks for the first 20 people that showed up. That was a win-win for everybody. The fans loved it, the venue was happy and everyone talked about it afterwards." It's about offering fans material that helps make them feel special.

My absolute favorite thing of the moment is what Jason Mraz is doing with his Gratitude Cafe Tour. He's always been incredibly thankful and respectful of his fans because he knows he would not be a success without us. At his shows he is offering seats that have no service fees attached. He calls them "Grateful To Be There" seats, and when you're grateful to be somewhere you don't complain about the little things... like being in the back of the venue. To be completely honest, I prefer sitting in the very back and taking in the whole experience. The lighting and stage theatrics are choreographed for the show, so I prefer the back. Plus, that's where I tend to find the interesting people... like myself.

As usual, I digress, so let me wrap this up.

Give your fans something that they deserve from you. That something is respect.


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