Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Keeping in Touch with New and Potential Clients

I have already talked about how important it is to follow up with your referrals (i.e. clients) in a timely manner. But just because you follow up with them quickly, does not mean they will end up working with ArtiSans. Working with ArtiSans will not be an impulse purchase for a band. Sometimes the band isn't at a point where they are ready for the services ArtiSans offers. These referrals are STILL valuable and it is VERY important to keep in touch with them. Then, when they are ready to move forward with their plans to record, you have built a relationship with them, and ArtiSans has remained fresh in their minds.

Be Personal with Communication: Sometimes people get too wrapped up in the business aspect of things. Show that you, and ArtiSans, are human! Communicate with them on a personal level. Business professionals who make the effort to establish a more personal relationship with their potential clients, attract more notice and interest than they would in a cut and dry business relationship.

Don't be Afraid of the Phone: I am guilty of this point...I have gotten used to the alternate ways of communicating. I prefer email actually, and would rather send a quick text than talk on the phone. But the phone allows you to engage the other person in a conversation. It forces you to pay attention and fully concentrate on your conversation. And, it cuts down any possible confusion that might occur from an email (I have learned that sarcasm isn't conveyed in an email very well).

Picking up the phone and speaking with someone personally is very important. It shows you are genuinely interested in building a relationship and a dialogue. It may seem awkward at first, but it gets easier with each call you make, and each time you speak with the person. If you don't want to get stumped - write down a few conversation topics to keep the conversation going.

Maintain a professional but friendly image: Don't get too wrapped up in the business end of your call. Be personable, be friendly, get to know a little bit about the person outside of the business realm. Find out what is important to them and what is going on in their lives. Take notes! Then the next time you call them you can follow up on the conversation and get an update on things you have discussed in earlier conversations.

Remain Upbeat and Positive: One negative comment can take over the entire tone of the conversation. Use the skills you would use in an interview...no trash talking people, gossiping, talking negatively about things. You want them to associate only positive things with ArtiSans. Also, no one wants to talk to a "Debbie Downer"!

Invite people to subscribe to our newsletter: I don't think anyone at ArtiSans uses this tool enough! ArtiSans newsletter is a way for us to keep people informed about what is going on at ArtiSans, and brings more people into ArtiSans' Circle of Influence. Plus, the newsletter will discuss specials and promotions going on at ArtiSans Label and Studio. To sign up for the newsletter, all people have to do sign up via the link on the main page of the ArtiSans Label website.

Go see the Band's Shows: Did you refer a band? Are you keeping in touch with them to try to get them to sign with ArtiSans? Then go see their shows! This is the easiest way to keep in touch with your Referral. Showing up at their gigs shows your interest and commitment to the band, and that you want to support and help them. It is essential in building a trusting relationship with them.

Earning the confidence and trust of one potential client will almost always lead to recommendations in the future. People want to work with, and buy from, people they know, like and trust. Building strong client relationships is the basis for many types of businesses. Keeping in touch with the clients and potential clients will increase the potential that that client will work with ArtiSans. And for the RADAR advocates, more clients for ArtiSans = more rewards for the advocate!

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