Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Thank You For Reading My Blog. Where's Yours?

I'm going to continue to beat this social online networking horse, so if you haven't suited up to be a knowledgeable jockey yet then it's time... Seriously! You can stop reading my blog (there probably aren't too many of you out there at this stage), but it won't make the digital revolution go away.

Think about where you get your news from. I guarantee you that my mother, the "I sit on the patio drinking coffee at 5:30 in the morning and read the tree-killing newspaper", isn't reading this. The digital wave is beyond her. I do give her respect for the fact that she is trying to learn to navigate through facebook in order to keep up with my nephew who is spending the first few years of his life in Puerto Rico. Every time I'm home I have to walk her through something on the computer. I actually love it. It helps me practice my patience and makes me feel useful.

I was at a BBQ in this little place called Frog Town (it's nestled right around Silver Lake and Echo Park) apparently. I suddenly realized that I needed to write my blog that was to post the next day and gasped, which got everyone's attention. One of the girls there replied very snottily with, "Oh my gah. Blogs are so stupid". I attempted to stand up for myself and explained that it's a part of my job to put my knowledge in blog form every week. It didn't help. I had already been deemed uncool.

I want all of you artists out there to throw caution to the wind and not care about what a hipster thinks about you blogging. In fact, if you happen to be a hipster, get over yourself and open up your mind. Take a look at these little nuggets of information I managed to find from research done by back in November 2008.

*87% of 18-29 year-olds believe bloggers have become opinion shapers

*68% use blogs to keep up on issues or topics of interest

*46% use blogs to conduct research

Those numbers are from almost a year ago, so imagine where they are at now.

Going even further, a study done by the Harvard Business School determined that if your album is blogged about by 250 bloggers then your sales go up two fold. If 400 bloggers talk about your album the sales go up five fold. It can be done by any blogger too. From the one in New York at a prestigious company with a corner office to a kid in Kansas with a twin bed.

So... are you blogging yet?


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