Thursday, May 14, 2009

Buy Me Some Peanuts & Marketing

I always say this:

“Hope is not a plan”.

What I mean is this:

“Your ass better have a bona fide plan, with strategic, realistic, and actionable steps towards growing your fan base, or you can kiss your lagging music career goodbye in a few years. Don’t have a plan? Ask for help before it’s too late.”

Just trying to share some insight from hindsight. My apologies for beating your head over a dead horse. But you think this doesn’t apply to you? Then show me your plan. :-)

Here’s why this is so important:

There are more than EIGHT MILLION artists/bands on MySpace.

This is who you’re competing against for your fans’ attention.

To comprehend the sheer magnitude of people stealing your spotlight, let’s visualize. Let’s say each member of each band is represented by a fan sitting at a ballpark. We’ll estimate that there’s an average of 3.25 people per artist or group. This means that you’re competing with a group the size of the crowd at every single Angels home game from the last ten years ( And just like at the ballpark, everyone’s shouting & making noise. How does your music get heard over the roar of the crowd? How do you stand out?

One choice solution is Ariel Hyatt’s company Cyber PR.

I spent some time hangin’ with Ariel on her turf in New York this past week. She's an intelligent, driven, knowledgeable, finger-on-the-pulse, bundle of maroon-topped spunk. For over a year now, I have been observing Cyber PR’s operation. The verdict? It’s the best bang for your marketing dollar money can buy. And Ariel is the real deal.

There are many companies that claim to grow your brand. What attracts me to Cyber PR is RESULTS and ACCOUNTABILITY. I could talk for pages & pages about all the value Ariel has crammed into the Publicity Packages. Instead check ‘em out here.

One “secret” to music success is spending more money on marketing than on gear. Or beer. Not fun. But it’s not rocket surgery. Or brain science. You simply MUST let the world know what you’ve got! Think I’m not talking directly to you? If you have more guitars hanging on the wall than gold records, then I’m talking to you. GO HERE NOW. (If you have more beer bottles in the fridge than guitars on the wall…invite me over.)

Cyber PR will put your face on the hypothetical ballpark’s hypothetical Jumbotron…and blast your music over the hypothetical P.A. system, for all the journalists, bloggers, podcasters, etc. to see & hear. That’s how you stand out.

But Cyber PR is oh so much more.

I’ve barely scratched the iceberg.

Stay tuned. :-)

Cyber PR Publicity Packages are now available for all ArtiSans Label artists.

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