Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Organization 101a: WRITE IT DOWN!

I have always known I am an organized person, its part of having a slight case of OCD, but this year my ability to keep myself and my projects organized has been pointed out to me on a constant basis. I have found out that my organization is more of a skill than a sickness. I have also learned that most people are not very organized, and have no idea how to begin organizing their life.

Getting organized can be a daunting task, so today I'll describe a few ways in which I keep myself organized, accountable and on schedule. Today's suggestions all follow one simple rule: WRITE IT DOWN. Sometimes I think that I wouldn't remember anything if I didn't write it down, and I probably wouldn't. Hopefully, some of these suggestions will help you organize your life as well.**

Get a Notebook: How easy is that! I prefer a 3-subject notebook, and will explain why below. I have kept notebooks for every job I have done, whether it be personal or professional, and they have helped me over and over again by keeping my all my information in one place. I know where to find information on something I have worked on days, months or years later.

So what do I do with the three sections in my 3-subject notebook? In the first section, I keep lists. I love lists. Lists are awesome. Nothing feels better than crossing out an item you've completed from your to-do list. I have a 'long term' list, a 'project' list, and a 'daily/short term' list. I write out everything I need to do for a project on my project list, what I want to accomplish each month in my long term list, and everything else on my daily list. Phone calls, appointments, people I need to email or get in touch with, what I need to pick up at the market, important things I need to get done during the day to keep my projects on schedule, etc.

Sometimes, I don't feel like I am making any progress on my daily list, or my tasks are all time consuming -so I add literally everything I have to do during the day on my list. Seriously...I write in 'wake up 8am', 'eat breakfast', 'run dogs', and 'make tomorrow's list'. It doesn't matter if you put some fluff on your list, sometimes you need the boost of having something to cross out to feel like you are getting things done. You can always add or remove things from your list, and if you don't accomplish all the task on your list, you can move them to your list for the next day.

Lists also help you keep track of what you have done and when you have done it. They are excellent for when you need find more information on a task you have completed long after you have completed it.

In the 2nd section of my notebook I take notes. I take notes on conversations, at presentations, at meetings and appointments, on the phone, etc. WRITE IT DOWN!!! If you write it down, you don't have to wonder if you are remembering it correctly later. I like to write down the date and time of every phone call I make, and the name of everyone I have spoken to. This is especially helpful when dealing with any sort of customer service organization within a corporation. You can get a lot more accomplished if you are able to refer back to every person you have spoken to, every date you have called, and what you were told each time.

In the 3rd section I keep track of phone numbers, addresses, websites, email addresses and directions. I usually also have these in my notes section or next to an item on my list, but its nice to have them all in one place as well.

Get a Planner (a calendar will do): I resisted getting a planner, but you only need to forget one appointment to see how vital it is. Now I do not schedule anything without first consulting my planner, and I immediately write down appointments so that I do not forget a meeting or double book myself.

Sticky Notes: I love sticky notes as much as I love lists! I put them everywhere so I don't forget things. If I want to make sure I don't forget something when I leave the house, I place a reminder sticky note on the door. If there is something at the office I don't want to forget, I put a sticky note on my steering wheel. I also put sticky notes in my planners and notebooks to help me find certain pages quickly.

These are just a few ways I organize myself and keep track of all the things I am juggling at any given time. Put a post-it note on your computer and remember to check back in next week for Organization 101b: Make the Best Use of Your Time.

(**Note:I prefer writing things down and having a visual at all times. There are a ton of websites and electronic ways to keep organized, which I will address in Organization 101c: Technology is our friend.)


Unknown said...

The Container Store is a great place to shop to help get organized. It is definitely one of my favorite places!

jaime rose said...

My Day planner changed my life!