Monday, May 4, 2009

Do You Have the Right Perspective?

The art of illusion is very closely correlated to making records. The magician will only show the audience what he wants them to see. Through prospective it appears as though the sword is actually running through the body of his lovely assistant. We too have the ability to create these types of illusions. Only instead of using visuals, we use audio. We are able make a drum set tracked in a small room sound as if he is performing in a huge stadium. By the mere vocal level can create the illusion that the singer is sitting right next to you. But that’s the easy part. The real trick is finding the right perspective for each artist.

So how do we make sure to find and maintain the proper perspective? One of the things I always make sure to do before starting any project is see the artist perform live. This is the best way to figure out what they are all about, from the overall energy, to sound of the band as a whole, and even the message they are trying to convey. I use that image when I'm mixing. I close my eyes and try to picture the group actually playing the sound that’s in front of me. Another trick I use is during pre-production I always make sure to record each song with my mp3 hand recorder. This little piece of equipment is one of the most important to me. Every morning on my way to the studio I listen to each song. This allows me to stay focused on the true nature of the band and what it is they are doing. My job is to capture the magic that an artist has and share it with the world. That's a huge responsibility.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

That was very well said, my friend. Is your MP3 player a Zoom? Mine is like a diary for me..Great to see you yesterday. if you want to come up to Santa Barbara on May 9 (after Mothers Day fun of course) There will be a killer student showcase in an art deco auditorim. Two confirmed friends are the Omar Cowan band and Ines and Redemption both neighbors, both on Myspace.

