Friday, May 29, 2009

How to Keep Up with the Ever-Changing Music Industry or: How I Learned to Love the Blog

So there is no doubt that the music industry is changing. It is changing so fast in fact, that most people (industry execs included) have no idea what's going on. Sure, there are theories and speculation but nobody truly knows for sure. It seems that every day there is a new solution, new social networks that your band has to be on, and a new way to get noticed. So, how do you keep up with all of this information?

The answer: Blogs and RSS feeds.

Bloggers range from any flapjack with an internet connection and something to say(just check out the guy in the picture), to bonafide taste-makers that have their fingers on the pulse of their chosen industry or topic. Once you find a blogger that you think has an interesting point of view, has their finger on the pulse or has such an opposing viewpoint from yours that it grinds your gears so much need to read what absurd thing he/she is going to write next... subscribe to their RSS feed.

What the fuzz is an RSS feed?

RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication" and its power is addictive (like crack or pistachios). Imagine turning on the news and every story was something that you were interested in, something you wanted to know about. With RSS feeds you can create your very own news channel that is tailored to exactly what you want and need to know.

Today, most built-in email programs will let you subscribe to an RSS feed so that all you have to do is open your email and your news fix has arrived. There are also desktop readers and web browser add-ons that will let you subscribe and read your feeds. I am not going to tell you which to use because the best reader is one that is easiest for you to incorporate into your routine. Personally, I use Google Reader because I use the Google search engine every day, it's my home page, this made it a natural fit for me.

Once you get set-up on a reader all you need to do is find a blog or news page that you like and subscribe. You do this by either clicking "Subscribe" or finding the little RSS reader logo and clicking on it.
The logo looks like this: Once you click on it follow the instructions for your chosen reader and boom, you're done.

So go out there and start creating your own news channel. I'll even give you a head start. The list below is a small sampling of the many feeds that I follow. Add them to your reader and get fed!

Release Your Music - probably the most important of them all
Ariel Publicity- Ariel is hands down the best at online marketing for bands
Derek Sivers- Founder of CD Baby, Indie music guru, Jedi master
Hypebot- this one will really keep you up to date on the new music business
Tape Log- This is from my favorite recording mag "Tape-Op"

If you are still unsure of RSS feeds or how to subscribe, check out this super fun video from the folks over at Common Craft. RSS in Plain English

If you find something good, let me know. I'd love to read it!


Unknown said...

Thanks for the tip. I've been wanting to try google reader for a while. I just set my subscriptions.

John C said...

Awesome Sandra! I'm glad that I could help. Be careful though, it's addictive.